These are rules I follow, for arguing. If you're going to argue with me, you gotta follow them too. In the ending arguing is just a game and if you don't play by the rules you're a cheater. Its against my morals to play games with cheaters.
1 No using cheap, universal comeback lines that could be used to win any argument - such as "excuses, excuses".
2 Don't think that raising your voice, typing all CAPS LOCKS, or being vulgar makes your argument any better. Doing so is only obnoxious and it makes it hard to communicate.
3 Forget about provoking the other person and instead focus on winning the argument. If you're about to say something that has no benefit other than provoking the other person, don't even say it. It will benefit nobody.
4 Dont launch blind insults at one another...If you're gonna insult someone, at least make your insults accurate. If you are about to insult someone - for example if you're thinking of calling someone a Canadian, its a good rule of thumb to think of all the reasons and evidence you have to believe they're Canadian *before* you call them a Canadian, otherwise your insult will probably be flat-out incorrect.
5 As a time and energy saver, never use a retort of which you know how the person is going to reply to.
6 Saying "no", or simply walking away or ignoring the other person does not mean you win the argument - in fact, its the exact opposite. It means you gave up arguing and therefore victory goes to the other person. The person who ends the argument with the last reasonable retort which doesn't violate any of these rules is the person who wins.
7 Never use words like "bub" as an insult. No one even knows what the word "bub" means, so its impossible for the other person to deny being a bub. Therefore its a cheap tactic and you should avoid using it.
8 Your opinion is not a universal law. No matter how many people agree with you, its just an opinion and I can disagree if I want. Your opinion does not dominate over anyone else's opinion. Stating your opinion is one thing, expecting your opinion to conclude the conversation is another. When arguing about something serious, its best to stick with facts as much as possible rather than center the argument around your own personal taste.